
Country Brand Index 2008

A Austrália é o país com marca mais forte no mundo,em termos de destino turístico, pelo terceiro ano consecutivo, segundo a pesquisa global Country Brand Index 2008, conduzida pela Future Brand.

África, Ásia e Oriente Médio cresceram significativamente como destinos turísticos, nos segmentos tours apenas para mulheres, tours para diferentes gerações e tours religiosos.

A pesquisa acaba de ser apresentada no evento World Travel Market, em Londres.

O Canadá, sexto colocado, em 2007, pulou para o segundo lugar, este ano.

O Brasil aparece apenas uma vez na pesquisa, entre os países onde a 'vida noturna' é boa.

O mercado do turismo movimentará US$ 5.9 trilhões em 2008, empregando 238 milhões de pessoas.

2008 CBI Top Country Brands
1. Australia
2. Canada
3. United States
4. Italy
5. Switzerland
6. France
7. New Zealand
8. United Kingdom
9. Japan
10. Sweden

A CBI entrevista cerca de 2.700 pessoas, que viajam a negócios ou lazer.

Veja a pesquisa completa aqui.

Espie os melhores em diferentes categorias:

Best Country Brand Ideal for Business
United States, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy

Best Country Brand to Extend a Business Trip
Australia, New Zealand, Scotland, Japan, Ireland

Best Country Brand for Art & Culture
Italy, France, Egypt, Japan, Greece

Best Country Brand for Authenticity
New Zealand, Japan, Thailand, India, Egypt

Best Country Brand for Beach
Maldives, Tahiti, Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Australia

Best Country Brand for
Families Canada, Spain, Denmark, Australia, New Zealand

Best Country Brand for History
Egypt, Italy, France, Greece, Israel

Best Country Brand for Resort & Lodging Options
United Arab Emirates, United States, Maldives, Australia, Switzerland

Best Country Brand for Natural Beauty
New Zealand, Maldives, Switzerland, Norway, Australia

Best Country Brand for Nightlife
Japan, Brazil, Spain, Thailand, United States

Best Country Brand for Fine Dining
Italy, France, Japan, Singapore, Switzerland

Best Country Brand for Outdoor Activities & Sports
Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Belize, Switzerland

Best Country Brand for Rest & Relaxation
Maldives, Tahiti, New Zealand, Fiji, Bahamas

Best Country Brand for Safety
Norway, Switzerland, New Zealand, Sweden, Denmark

Best Country Brand for Shopping
United States, United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Thailand, Japan

Best Country Brand for Value for Money
Thailand, India, Mexico, Czech Republic, Poland

Best Country Brand You Would Most Like to Live In
Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Switzerland, Scotland

Best Country Brand for Ease of Travel
Netherlands, Spain, Canada, Switzerland, Germany

Best Country Brand for Standard of Living
Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Australia, Switzerland

Best Country Brand for Political Freedom
Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden, Denmark, Norway

Best Country Brand for Advanced Technology
Japan, United States, United Kingdom, Sweden, Germany

Best Country Brand for Quality Products
Japan, United States, Germany, France, Italy

Best Country Brand for Most Impressive Last Year
China, United Arab Emirates, Australia, New Zealand, Japan

Fonte: CCSP

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